If you love your school and want to show it, we have apparel options for you! Here you can explore the various online store options for school, district and programs.
The MSDWC Wear online apparel store offers a large collection of quality clothing and merchandise options. Customers choose the school or program logo to be embroidered on the selected item. This store is run locally and items typically ship within two weeks throughout the year.
These are great options for staff, coaches, and community members who are looking for quality products. Apparel vouchers are only valid through the MSDWC Wear store.
Elementary Stores
Each elementary school also has their own online apparel store, which features a variety of fun designs. Items bought through these stores give the schools 10% back on every purchase. Items typically ship within two weeks throughout the year.
Temporary Sales
Throughout the school year, various programs and organizations sell apparel. Those sales will be featured here as they become available. If you are the sponsor of a sale, contact Laura Langebartels to have it advertised here.
Sale open until September 24, 2023